Nothing to Prove

“I'm scared I will have to change who I am to be good at what you do.”

The fear that we will have to change into someone that “looks like they sell product” so we can have the life we love is incredibly valid. But, I also know that fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. So let’s find the truth.

Relax your shoulders and take a breath in, because who you are right now is exactly who you need to be to create the business your dreams are made of.

You don’t have to put on a “boss suit”, get routine blow outs, and always have your lips on to turn a side hustle into a profession. If that’s all you’ve ever dreamed of doing, then by all means YOU. DO. YOU. My point is simple: you have everything it takes to succeed in your network marketing business.  That being said, there is always room for growth. My favorite tool for growth is the Enneagram. It exposes all the areas that will commonly hold you back, but it can easily help you lead better by speaking the language of your team and clients.

In network marketing you are going to be encouraged to become more of who you are. Lean into the gifts and even weaknesses to identify them and make them less of a tripping point. 

When you show up authentically, speak normally, show your face like your normal self - people LOVE that. Guess what else happens? People begin to KNOW you. They will find out quickly if they know, like and trust you. In the network marketing industry, that is everything. Building a know, like, and trust factor with your clients helps them know whether they will do business with you and for how long.

One of my favorite instagram accounts to follow is called The Guide Culture. Two women who help you speak directly to your ideal client but also help you not make people feel ICKY when you are sharing your products. They have a massive bank of reels that are incredibly informative.

If you need a book to remind you that God didn’t mess up when he made you, read Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen. Showing up authentically, imperfectly, and FOR the people will be one of the best game changers in your business.


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